
Greetings to you from Virginia!


on June 6, 2014
I wanted to thank everyone for their prayers and good feelings sent our way for Clara’s pre-op appointment yesterday.  She did great and is quickly adding to her list of Children’s Hospital nurses she has wrapped around her princess finger.  The day was definitely harder on Phil and me than on her.

We started off meeting with the nurse practitioner going over history stuff and then met with Dr. Myseros.  He went over the whole procedure again and answered our questions.  He continues to encourage us with his confidence and expertise.  He feels extremely optimistic about Clara’s surgery given the anatomy of her brain.  It’s a good brain!  At the end he gave Phil and handshake, me a hug, Clara a high five and told her he’d see her on Monday. 

Then we went for her blood draw, which went way better than I had anticipated.  She didn’t love it, but didn’t totally lose it either.  We were able to distract her somewhat and talk her through it.  She stopped crying as soon as the needle came out and was very excited to pick out her sticker.  We wrapped up the whole ordeal with a trip to the cafeteria for a cookie.

Phil and I were really drained after the visit – I think largely because it was the last step before the surgery itself.  It’s really happening.  We are so looking forward to Monday being in the past and moving on to the recovery part and hopefully seeing Clara’s symptoms fade. 

Keep praying.  Pray that Phil and I could truly trust and accept God’s goodness and sovereignty.  That He would give Clara and us peace that surpasses understanding. 

Much love to all,


2 responses to “Pre-Op…Check!

  1. Janice says:

    Thankful that God is giving you faith in His goodness during this time. We will be praying.

  2. beth crawford says:

    Fantastic. gramma is on board and family and friends are praying fervently from afar. Feel the love radiating from the west.

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